MYHA Community | Register for Summer Ice Opportunity, Off-ice Training Videos by ProSkills, and the Summer Sniper Challenge
MYHA Community,
Happy June 1st !
Thank you to all parents that took the time to register their participants by May 15th. Our numbers look strong for 2020/21, and we still have a few outstanding registrations to complete.
As we now transition from a stay-at-home advisory to safe-at-home advisory, we encourage all with intentions to be on-ice with MYHA next season to register with both USA Hockey and MYHA this week. This is important as it enables us to size our program, budget, and contract ice-sheets accordingly.
To register please visit:
The MYHA Board of Directors has been attending Zoom calls with various rink associations, as well as USA Hockey, and is gearing up for new routines and protocols for our 2020/21 season. As previously communicated, we are planning on a mid-August start (two weeks earlier than last year) in order to hold tryouts and be ready for anticipated Valley Hockey League (VHL) play.
Additionally, as rinks begin to reopen this summer – such as Revere-Cronin – we are also planning to offer some on-ice hockey opportunities to get our participants playing again (dates/times TBD, and for those who are comfortable). The current plan calls for securing ice sheets sometime beginning in mid-June to early July.
This summer ice opportunity will be FREE for any participant registered with MYHA for the 2020/21 season. Please note that due to evolving safety protocols, we may need to implement a minimum age to participate.
MYHA will continue to monitor and adhere to all new and emerging safety protocols such as #s of participants allowed on the ice, requisite social distancing inside facilities, and overall logistics of getting participants in and out of rinks safely etc. Above all, we aim to keep you and all our participants fully informed and safe leading up to the start of, and throughout our 2020/21 season.
Coaches, please be on the lookout for notifications as ice time opportunities present themselves to MYHA. And for all those who intend to or want to Coach next season, please ensure that you are also registered with MYHA and USA Hockey ASAP. Once teams are selected post tryouts, we will align all Coaching candidates to age groups accordingly.
In the meantime and in order to keep our participants engaged, MYHA has arranged for all current Registrants and any new Registrants to have access to Dan Gordon’s ProSkill Development summer off-ice hockey training program, inclusive of 30 days of video instruction – but you must register your participant(s) to gain complementary access via MYHA.
Links to Dan’s training videos will be forthcoming and released to all registrants every 2-3 days.
In addition, President Payne is issuing a Summer Sniper Challenge to all MYHA hockey players:
- For those that go 30 for 30 (complete all 30 of Dan’s training sessions above in the next 100 days) participants will receive a stylish-retro MYHA “30 for 30” truckers cap to proudly don over their lettuce at the start of our MYHA 20-21 season. Note: The completion window runs June 1 – September 1 and parental verification of completion is required.
- In addition, for those that also complete 10,000 puck-touches and 10,000 shots – that’s 200 puck touches per day for 100 days… or 20,000 biscuits worth of off-ice hockey skill building (plus/minus depending on age group)! – participants will receive a MYHA “Summer Sniper Challenge” practice jersey to proudly wear next season while showcasing their newly acquired dangling and shooting skills. Note: The completion window runs June 1 – September 1 and parental verification of completion is also required.
Daily sniper puck handling requirements by age group:
- Bantams > 10,000 puck touches + 10,000 shots = 100+100/day x 100 days
- Pee Wees > 7,500 puck touches + 7,500 shots = 75+75/day x 100 days
- Squirts > 5,000 puck touches + 5,000 shots = 50+50/day x 100 days
- Mites > 2,500 puck touches + 2,500 shots = 25+25/day x 100 days
- The goal is daily recurring puck touches and shooting.
Again, if you have not yet registered, please complete your registration with MYHA and USA Hockey at
Thanks everyone, and let’s all look forward with measured anticipation and hope by keeping hockey well within our summer sights – eventually we’ll all be back together to hop the boards, take our shifts, and hustle our local ice surfaces.
Stay healthy and snipe those summer pucks every day,
-John Payne
President MYHA and MYHA Board of Directors